The Crew of the Heinkel He-111 5J + JP (05 September 1940) Hylton Cemetery, Castletown, Tyne and Wear, England |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Hans Werner Schröder Oberleutnant 17th August 1913 at Posen 5th September 1940, Sunderland 27 6./KG 4 Sec. D, Row 1, Grave 696 |
Franz Reitz Unteroffizier 12th December 1916 at Eschenbach 5th September 1940, Sunderland 23 6./KG 4 Sec. D, Row 2, Grave 732 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Rudolf Marten Obergefreiter 11th May 1915 at Hamburg-Altona 5th September 1940, Sunderland 25 6./KG 4 Sec. D, Row 1, Grave 695 |
Josef Wich Obergefreiter 3rd July 1920 at Nuremberg 5th September 1940, Sunderland 25 6./KG 4 Sec. D, Row 2, Grave 733 |
The aircraft was caught by searchlights as it crossed the coast and almost immediately shot down by anti-aircraft fire from the Grangetown AA Battery, Ryhope Road, Sunderland. The aircraft lost its tail before crashing in flames on 55 Suffolk Street, Sunderland, County Durham at 23:18 hours. A family in their air raid shelter was trapped by falling masonry and burning fuel from the ruptured tanks of the crashed Heinkel 111.
Two of the crew were either thrown from the aircraft or attempted to bale out, OGfr Marten and Gefr Wich were found in the wreckage of the crashed aircraft. Franz Reitz was found dead on the roof of an air raid shelter at Bede Towers, Ryhope Road with his parachute opened but with horrific injuries. Hans Schröder was found a short distance away in the garden of 5 Grange Crescent with his unopened parachute again he had terrible injuries both were dead when found.
Crew: ObLt Hans W. Schröder, pilot (killed) Uffz Franz Reitz, observer (killed) OGfr Rudolf Marten, wireless operator (killed) Gefr Josef Wich, mechanic (killed)
Casualties on the ground were: Mrs Rachel Stormont 41 (killed)
Mr John Stormont 41 (injured) Miss Jean Stormont 15 (seriously injured) Jean lost both hands in this terrible incident.
See also "Broken Eagles" on Google Books |
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The Crew of the Messerschmitt Bf-110 3U + IM (27 September 1940) Wareham Cemetery, Wareham, County Dorset, England |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Artur Niebuhr Oberleutnant 13th March 1903 at Pieragienen 27th September 1940 37 4./ ZG 26 Sec. B, Row O, Grave 44 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Klaus Theisen Unteroffizier 11th September 1914 at Essen 27th September 1940 37 4./ ZG 26 Sec. B, Row O, Grave 43 |
During an attack on Parnall Yate, both engines were disabled in attacks by P/O. M. E. Staples in a Spitfire of RAF No. 609 Sqadron, and further attacked by P/O. A. R. Watson, in a Spitfire of RAF No.152 Squadron. The Bf-110C exploded over Salters Wood, Middle Bere Farm, near Arne, Dorset at 11:45 hours. |
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Unteroffizier Rudolf Kübler (12 November 1940) Wareham Cemetery, Wareham, County Dorset, England |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Unteroffizier 23rd October 1914 at Oppenweiler 12th November 1940 26
Sec. B, Row O, Grave 42 |
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The Crew of the Junkers JU-88 A-5 F1 + BS (12 May 1941) Scampton Cemetery, Scampton, Lincolnshire, England |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Kurt Hanning Leutnant 11th September 1919 at Hannover 12th May 1941, near Scampton airfield 21
Grave 3 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Wilhelm August Christian Hansen Unteroffizier 30th March 1916 at Herford 12th May 1941, near Scampton airfield 25
Grave 4 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Johannes Dietrich Gefreiter 8th December 1918 at Heinrichswalde 12th May 1941, near Scampton airfield 22
Grave 2 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Helmut Wimmeder Gefreiter 19th May 1920 at Salzburg, Austria 12th May 1941, near Scampton airfield 20
Grave 1 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
E. H. Reidel Gefreiter (Probably) unknown 12th May 1941, near Scampton airfield unknown unknown Grave 1 |
The crew of the JU 88 F1+BS had the order to hunt Lancaster bombers which came back from their operations. The aircraft was shooted down by the anti-aircraft artillery of Scampton airfield while on a low-level attack on the night of 11th and 12th of May 1941 at 1.35 a.m. The aircraft crashed at Battleby Lane and the whole crew was killed. Three crew members were found dead in the plane wrackage and it is said that Kurt Hanning died in the arms of a Mrs. Miller. The crew members were burried with military honours in Scamton cemetery on 14 May 1941. One of the graves contains two bodies: Helmut Wimmeder and E. H. Reidel. The crew of a JU 88 existed of 4 members. Who was the fifth person? Local legend had it that E. H. Reidel was Wimmeder's girlfriend who had been illegally taken along on the raid. In the 1960's a Scamton farmer found a German identy tag while he was ploughing his field near the site of crash. It was thought at first that the tag must have belonged to one of the aircrew who had perished, but a different name was on it. German archives helped to solve the puzzle. The tag belonged to Gefreiter Reidel of the ground crew at the aercraft's base. E. H. Reidel, who had been reported as "absent without leave" was possibly on board of the JU 88 unofficially. It therefore appears that the story about a "stowaway" aboard the aircraft is partially true, and the rank "Gefreiter" indicates that E. H. Reidel was not a woman. |
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Oberfeldwebel Hans Funk (22 May 1941) Wareham Cemetery, Wareham, County Dorset, England |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Oberfeldwebel 18th October 1914 at Haussen 22nd May 1941 26
Sec. B, Row O, Grave 40 |
Hans Funk served as flight mechanic with the rank of Oberfeldwebel in a bomber wing. He was shot down over England at his 122 operational sortie, during which he was killed. |
Obergefreiter Konrad Köhler (22 May 1941) Wareham Cemetery, Wareham, County Dorset, England |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Obergefreiter 10th February 1918 at Eigershausen 22nd May 1941 23
Sec. B, Row O, Grave 41 |
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Leutnant zur See Dieter Andresen (15 January 1942) Hylton Cemetery, Castletown, Tyne and Wear, England |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Leutnant zur See 7th March 1919 at Kiel 15th January 1942, English East Coast 22 1st KüFlGr 506 Sec. D, Row 1, Grave 699 |
Lt. Andresen was flown a Ju-88 and was probably shot down by anti-aircraft fire. The AA unit could be C-Troop, 278 LAA Bty, 68 LAA Regt., Royal Artillery. Dieter Andresen was washed ashore on 27th January 1942 (Prior's Heaven, Tynemouth) and buried in Hylton Cemetery. The other men of the crew are missed. They were:
Feldwebel Franz Gruschka Unteroffizier Friedrich Pott Unteroffizier Josef Scholze |
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Matrose Otto Posegga (11 February 1942) Wareham Cemetery, Wareham, County Dorset, England |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Matrose 30th December 1922 at Groß Tellitzkehmen 11th February 1942 19 Navy Sec. B, Row O, Grave 39 |
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The Crew of the Junkers JU-188 U5 + GH (24 April 1944) Wareham Cemetery, Wareham, County Dorset, England |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Heinrich Schnuer Unteroffizier 11th March 1923 at Ilsenburg 24th April 1944, Salters Wood/Arne at Wareham 21 1./ KG 2 Sec. B, Row O, Grave 35 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Wolfgang Christoff Leutnant 3rd April 1922 at Fulda 24th April 1944, Salters Wood/Arne at Wareham 22 1./ KG 2 Sec. B, Row O, Grave 35 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Horst Huffsky Feldwebel 20th February 1921 at Dresden 24th April 1944, Salters Wood/Arne at Wareham 23 1./ KG 2 Sec. B, Row O, Grave 27 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Theophil Joretzki Obergefreiter 24th April 1923 at Dirschalwitzn 24th April 1944, Salters Wood/Arne at Wareham 23 1./ KG 2 Sec. B, Row O, Grave 30A | In accordance to GWGC was Wolfgang Biegerl also a member of this crew. He was born on 11th June 1922 in Nuremberg. A grave cannot be found in the Wareham Cemetery.
The JU-188 of this crew was shot down by 3.7 inch AA guns from 17,000 feet and crashed at 2.15 hrs at Salters Wood, Arne, near Wareham, Dorset. |
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The Crew of the Junkers JU-88 G-6 C9 + RR (04 March 1945) Scampton Cemetery, Scampton, Lincolnshire, England |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Heinrich Conze Feldwebel (Pilot) 20th January 1920 at Essen 4th March 1945, Welton, Lincolnshire 25 7th Staffel Nachtjagdgeschwader 5 Grave 7 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Rudolf Scherer Unteroffizier (Radar Op.) 4th April 1922 at Aschaffenburg-Alzenau 4th March 1945, Welton, Lincolnshire 22 7th Staffel Nachtjagdgeschwader 5 Grave 8 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Werner Nollau Obergefreiter (Radar Op.) 8th October 1923 at Oschatz 4th March 1945, Welton, Lincolnshire 21 7th Staffel Nachtjagdgeschwader 5 Grave 6 |
Name: Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Grave Reference: |
Alfred Altenkirch Unteroffizier (Gunner) 20th September 1924 at Bergeow(?) 4th March 1945, Welton, Lincolnshire 20 7th Staffel Nachtjagdgeschwader 5 Grave 5 |
The JU-88 of Feldwebel Conze took off in Lübeck / Blankensee on “Operation Giesela”, an intruder mission over British bomber airfields. The aircraft attacked a motor car driven by an Observer Corps official (Mr J. P. Kelway) near the village of Welton, apparantly under the impression that its headlamps indicated activity on Scampton airfield. While diving to attack, the aircraft struck telegraph wires and crashed on top of the car. Both car and aircraft were completely wrecked, parts of the burning aircraft being scattered over a wide area. All the members of the crew were killed together with Mr Kelway. The sole documentary identification of the unit to which this aircraft belonged was a camp cinema ticket which was stamped III./NJG 5. |
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