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Trewman & Exeter Flying Post, January 18, 1838

Jan 4, at Ackworth-grove, Yorkshire, aged 67, J. Maddison, Esq., late of Bath: a magistrate of the counties of Lincoln and Somerset.

The Shields Daily Gazette, Friday, May 27, 1898
In memoriam

In loving memory of my dear mother, Frances Mathieson, who died May 27th, 1897. - Ever remembered by her loving son Robert and his wife.

The Consett Chronicle, February 4, 1910
In memoriam notices of the year 1909

23rd January 1909:
May, daughter of Moor Marshall, Rowley, 61 years
23rd January 1909:
Jane, wife of J. R. Mason, Tantobie, 22 years
6th February 1909:
John Martin, South Pontop, 68 years
28th February 1909:
Phyllis, daughter of Peter Malone, Stanley, 36 years
9th March 1909:
Mary, wife of W. H. Maddison, Blackhill, 65 years
23rd March 1909:
John H., son of J. Manges, Langley Park, 10 months
Matthew W. Maddison, 33 year, accidently killed by fall of a stone
26th March 1909:
Mary J., widow of Thomas Martin, Stanley, 47 years
9th April 1909:
George Marshman, Stanfordham, 55 years
13th April 1909:
Robert N. Maycock, Ham Steels Colliery, 27 years
19th April 1909:
Lily, daughter of Horace Marsden, Hamsteels, 14 months
13th May 1909:
Abraham G. Mason, Dipton, 67 years
25th May 1909:
Edward, son of E. MacKinlay, Annfield Plain, 4 years
26th May 1909:
William Maughan, South Moor, 71 years
9th June 1909:
William Marsh, Burnhope, 69 years
24th September 1909:
Alexander Maneylaws, Blackhill, 17 years

The Consett Chronicle, February 4, 1910
West Stanley Colliery Disaster, Townley Seam, 16 Feb 1909

John William Martin, Stanley, 32 years

West Stanley Colliery Disaster, Busty Seam, 16 Feb 1909

John Mackay, Stanley, 21 years
John Henry Manistre, Stanley, 15 years
Edward Manistre, Stanley, 19 years

West Stanley Colliery Disaster, Tilley Seam, 16 Feb 1909

Henry Manistre, Stanley, 13 years

The_Northern_Echo, 11 December 1930

Martindale - At 18, Wheatbottom, Crook, on December 10th, 1930, Mary, beloved wife of the late Thomas Martindale, aged 79 years. Interment at Crook Cemetery, Sunday, December 14th, cortege leaving residence 1.45 p. m. Friends kindly accept this intimation.

The Times, September 04, 1944

In most proud and tender memory of Carlyon Will Mason-MacFarlane, Captain, 7th (Q. O.) Hussars, killed in action in the Western Desert, Egypt, when in command of a company in the Imperial Camel Corps on Sept. 5, 1916, aged 25.

"Glad did I live and gladly die,
and I laid me down with a will."
Martin, Anthony, Sub-Lieut., R. N. - Accidentally killed on Sept. 5, 1941, aged 19 years. In affectionate memory.
On Aug. 30, 1944, at Chester Lodge, West Worthing, Dora Matthews, faithful and beloved friend for 45 years in the service of Mr. and Mrs. Algernon Hay.

The Brooklyn Eagle, Saturday, October 21, 1944
Brooklyn, New York, New York, USA

89 Boro, L. I. Soldiers are killed in Action.
Washington, Oct. 20 - The War Department made public today the names of 2,818 soldiers killed in action in the European and Mediterranean areas. The following 89 Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island men are included:

Manchine, Staff Sgt., Herbert J. - Mrs. Lillian Tucker, aunt, 293 Hendrix St.
Marchuk, Corp., George - Mrs. Olga Kozak, sister, 439 Sutter Ave.
Mason, Sgt., Wallace W. - Daniel M. Mason, father, 187-02 Mangin Ave., Hollig.
Maurer, Pfc., Norman F. - Mrs. Sylvia Maurer, wife, 111 S. 3d St.

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Last update: 13 September 2015
This collection is online since September 2012