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Lost Ancestors
Deaths and Dispatches
South Shields Gazette, May 27, 1898 At 4 South Eldon Street, High Shields, on the 23rd inst., James Lake, musician. Interment at Harton New Cemetery on Monday. Lift at 2.45 prompt. Friends kindly accept this intimation. |
The Times, November 25, 1904 Langtry On the 15th Oct., at Garswood, Didsbury, near Manchester, Thomas Redfern Langtry, aged 57 years. |
The Consett Chronicle, February 4, 1910 In memoriam notices of the year 1909 12th January 1909: Jane, daughter of William J. Lawson, Stanley, 18 years |
24th January 1909: Elizabeth, widow of A. Laycock, Burnhope, 52 years |
5th February 1909: Nicholas Lamb, Consett, 63 years |
5th February 1909: Mary, widow of William Lawson, Burnhope, 85 years |
6th July 1909: Margaret, widow of S. Laverton, Consett, 61 year |
8th July 1909: John Lambert, Kyo, 70 years |
John Lackenby, Stanley, 18 years |
West Stanley Colliery Disaster, Tilley Seam, 16 Feb 1909
Ralph Laverick, Stanley, 19 years |
George Lawson, Stanley, 42 years | | |
The Times, September 04, 1944 Lavers In precious memory of Norman Adin, F/O, R. A. F. V. R., on this his 24th birthday, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton Lavers, killed in action over France, Nov. 28 1942, Squadron 23. |
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Last update: 14 February 2016
This collection is online since September 2012