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Interred at Manor Park Cemetery. Tracy Coat Dunne has provided this memorial card and also sent interesting information: Interred at East London Cemetery, Plaistow. Interred at Erdington Parish Church, Mr. J. J. W. Wilmshurst (Coroner for Mid-Warwickshire) held an inquest this afternoon, at the Erdington Police Station, on the body of Jane Banner (48), wife of George Banner, 9, Court Lane, Erdington. and was interred at Ipswich, March 25th. and was interred at the cemetery, Preston,
Deaths and Dispatches
Memorial Cards
Rebecca Baker
Alfred Ball
In Loving Memory
Alfred Ball,
who passed away on the 25th April 1926
aged 62 years.
In family grave no. 69, square 54.
A traveling showman who died in West Ham Mental Asylum in April 1926. During his career as showman, he and his son William exhibited "animated pictures", so I'm guessing it was perhaps a Zoetrope or similar.
Alfred Ball was born in 1864 at Hull, East Yorkshire. His father was also a showman.
Alfred's address on the 1901 census was given as: "4 caravans on a piece of land to the rear of Denmark Street, Lambeth".
The 1911 census gives his address as "caravan, Mortlake Road" (West Ham).Top
Cecil Henry Vernon Banford
In Loving Memory
Cecil Henry Vernon Banford,
who died 11th March, 1919
aged 36 years.A dear one is missing and with us no more,
That voice so much loved we hear not again,
Yet we think of younow the same as of yore,
And know you are free from trouble and pain.Top
Jane Banner
In Loving Memory
Jane Banner,
beloved wife of George Banner,
who died September 1st, 1911,
aged 48 years.
in family grave,
September 5th.Mourn not for her whom God hath blest,
And taken to her heavenly rest;
Freed from all sorrow, grief and pain,
her loss is her eternal gain.
Killed by a wasp sting
Erdington Woman's sad death
Evidence at the Inquest
Evidence was called to show that Mrs. Banner complained to a neighbour on August 19 that she had been stung on the leg by a wasp, and suggested that the neighbour should rub her leg with white oil. This treatment was pursued for a week, with the addition of bread and linseed poultices. Mrs. Banner afterwards complained of the leg feeling stiff and the pain spreading, and on Wednesday last Dr. Weeks was sent for.
George Banner, the husband, said that his wife told him the day afterwards that she had been stung on the leg with a wasp, but as she did not complain of any great pain, he attached no importance to this, nor did he look at the leg until the following Wednesday. He said his wife objected to doctors.
Mrs. Hallam, a neighbour, said that she attended to Mrs. Banner's leg, applying white oil and linseed poultices at her request. Witness did not like to advise her to go to a doctor, knowing her dislike to them.
Dr. Weeks said on examining the leg he discovered acute blood-poisining. The sting of the wasp had entered the main-vein of the leg, and had worked higher up the vein, causing stoppage of the blood. The spread of the poison had been acceleratedby the rubbing, and death was caused by a clot of blood escaping from the circulation and getting on to the brain.
In answer to the Coroner, he said there would have been more chance of saving the woman if medical assistance had been called in earlier.
The jury returned a verdict of "Death from blood-poisoning caused through the sting of a wasp," and expressed the opinion that medical aid should have been sought sooner.
A local newspaper on September 2, 1911Top
Ann Maria Barnes
In Loving Memory of
Ann Maria Barnes
Widow of the late William King Barnes
who died March 20th, 1911,
aged 63.When the day of toil is done,
when the race of life is run,
Father grant thy wearied one,
rest for evermore!
Sarah Rose Barnes
In Loving Remembrance
Sarah Rose Barnes
who departed this life May 15th, 1892,
aged 70 years.
Interred at Eccleshall, May 19th.Thou art gone from us, nay, thou still art near,
Watching in fondness over those thou lovest.
Thou art with Christ, and thy children pray,
Zhey heart shall leap for joy.
But they shall not forget thee, and in older years shall tell -
How dear their mother was, how good, how loved.Top
Mary Barrick
In affectionate remembrance of
the late
Mary Barrick
of Knaresbrough,
who died January 3rd, 1884,
aged 62 years.
When she suffered Jesus knows,
But now she's freed from all her pain;
She has passed o'er Jordans swelling flood,
And landed safe in Christ the Lord. - Amen.Top
William Barton
In Affectionate Remembrance of
William Barton
who died October 25th,
aged 72.
October 29th, 1888.Oh! lovely father, thou art gone,
To dwell with Christ above;
And we your children left alone,
To mourn for one we love.
"Be ye also ready."Top
Elizabeth Bassett
In Loving Memory of
Widow of the late David Bassett,
(of Burton-on-Trent)
born June 13th, 1823,
entered into life eternal December 17th, 1892.Top
Margaret Battersby
In Affectionate Remembrance of
widow of the late John Battersby, of Haydock,
who departed this life June 26th, 1894
aged 97 years.
and was interred at St. Thomas's Church,
Ashton-in-Makerfield, on 30th inst."Thy will be done." Top
William Baxter
In affectionate remembrance of
the late
William Baxter
of Knaresbrough,
who died May 18th, 1883,
aged 24 years.
Was interred at the Knaresbrough Cemetery, May 21st.
I little thought of being in my grave so soon,
my morning sun went down before 'twas noon;
O friends be wise and serve your God in time,
like me you may be cut off in your prime.Top
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Last update: 22 February 2016
This collection is online since September 2012