Yarwood in UK In Great Britain : 4 541 people share the surname Yarwood according to our estimation. The surname Yarwood is the 2 543rd most common name in Great Britain. Yarwood in Germany The German telephone directories contain 6 entries about Yarwood. According to the current records of the Federal Office of Statistics, there are 16 Yarwood living in 6 cities and counties in Germany at the present time. Elizabeth Yarwood Elizabeth Yarwood, 59 Beech Road, Cale Green, Stockport, won prizes in vintage publications in 1899. Probably Elizabeth Yarwood Birth in September quarter 1870 in Stockport, Cheshire. Marriage in September quarter 1875 in Stockport, Cheshire. Birth in June quarter 1879 in Stockport, Cheshire. Marriage in December quarter 1901 in Stockport, Cheshire. |