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Woodward in UK In Great Britain : 27 224 people share the surname Woodward according to our estimation. The surname Woodward is the 239th most common name in Great Britain. Woodward in Germany The German telephone directories contain 30 entries about Woodward. According to the current records of the Federal Office of Statistics, there are 80 Woodward living in 21 cities and counties in Germany at the present time. Further Woodwards in Switzerland. Emily C. Woodward Emily C. Woodward won prizes in vintage publications in 1898 and 1899. Thomas Woodward The American Weekly Mercury (New Jersey, USA), 01 September 1737: Servant Named William Caton Runs Away From His Master, Thomas Woodward. Ran away from Thomas Woodward of Upper-Freehold, in Monmouth County, New-Jersey, an Irish servant man named William Caton, of middling stature, round visage, dark short hair, and black eyes. He had on, a new felt hat, brown homespun coat with green lining, an old garlick shirt with sundry darns on the breast, and patch'd on the shoulder, new homespun linen breeches, dark worsted stockings, & picked toe'd shoes. Whoever shall take up said servant, and secures him so that his Master may have him again, shall have three pounds reward and all reasonable charges paid by Thomas Woodward. R. Woodward Passenger of the "Celtic" from Liverpool via Queenstown to New York. The arrival was on 22 December 1888. Mr R. Woodward, aged 40, merchant Citizenship: USA Intended destination: USA Embarkation: Liverpool saloon |