Charlotte Lampitt
Wolverhampton, Saturday - A 70-year-old widow, who parted with 3s. 6d. to a woman who was alleged to have posed as a cousin of Gordon Richards, the jockey, was reimbursed from the poor-box at Wolverhampton to-day. In the dock appeared Dorothy Maud Davies, 24, of Deansfield-road, Wolverhampton, charged with obtaining 3s. 6d. from Charlotte Lampitt by false pretences. It was stated that Mrs. Lampitt's income was only 14s. a week. The 3s. 6d. was alleged to have been obtained on the strength of a story that Davies was looking for a relative with whom she was sharing £200 death benefit. It was to cover bus fares and a telephone call to Manchester. Davies was remanded for a week with a view to being sent to a home. (Published in the "News of the World" in May 1937) |
The birth of Charlotte Lampitt, nee Bellamy, was registered in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, during the second quarter of 1867 (born 13 May 1867). She was married to William Lampitt in the church of St. Andrew in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, on 14 June 1886. Her parents were Albert and Betsy Bellamy. She lived with an Eliza Jones at 47, Herrick Street in Wolverhampton in 1939. She was a widow. Her death was registered in Wolverhampton during the fourth quarter of 1955. |
England Census 1911 about Charlotte Lampitt and family Residence: 5, Herbert Street, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England |
Name |
Relation |
Marital status: |
Age |
Birth |
Place of Birth |
William Lampitt Charlotte Lampitt Rose Hannah Lampitt William Lampitt Harry Lampitt Walter Lampitt Leonard Lampitt Elsie Lampitt |
Head Wife Daughter Son Son Son Son Daughter |
Married Married Single Single Single Single Single Single |
45 44 23 18 15 11 9 4 |
abt. 1866 abt. 1867 abt. 1888 abt. 1893 abt. 1896 abt. 1900 abt. 1902 abt. 1907 |
Sedgley Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Wolverhampton |