Ethel E Hobden Ethel E. Hobden, Camberwell, with requests for the guild in 1905.
The birth of Ethel Eleanor Hobden was registered in St Saviour, Southwark, London, England during the third quarter of 1893. Her death was registered in Camberwell, London, England during the fourth quarter of 1918. |
England Census 1901 about Ethel Hobden and family Residence: 4, Searsdale Road, Camberwell, London, England |
Name |
Relation |
Marital status: |
Age |
Birth |
Place of Birth |
Charles G. Hobden Martha Hobden Ethel Hobden |
Head Wife Daughter |
Married Married Single |
37 37 7 |
abt. 1864 abt. 1864 abt. 1894 |
Pimlico, London London S. W. Walworth, London |