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Lost Ancestors War Memorials

Let those who come after see to it
that their names be not forgotten

Memorial Cross   

The following pages are a project of the genealogical group "Lost Ancestors".
All pictures have been taken and transcribed by members of Lost Ancestors. Its not all about war memorials, but memorials dedicated to calamities, mine accidents and other disasters which touched the hearts of all people.
Our main aim is to dedicate our site to the 10 million victims of World War I and 60 million victims of World War II and all victims of other wars and confrontations who sacrificed their lives for a better live for all present and future generations. We should always remember the immense grief and loss each war brought to the world.
Take a look at "Battles of the Great War". We also insert pictures to that side to give all the nameless victims and participants a face. Please also help to extend that site. Your pictures and information are welcome.

Do you want to help to improve and/or to extend this site, or make a comment about our memorial site? Contact the moderators of Lost Ancestors via our contact page. We are interested in memorials from all over the world.

   Memorial Cross

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Latest upload on 15 February 2025.
1,471 memorials are installed:

Brierfield, Baptist Church
Brierfield, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel
Mathern, Monmouthshire, Wales
Duderstadt, Lower Saxony, Germany
Geitelde Cemetery, Lower Saxony, Germany
    Latest updates:

Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England
Fishponds, Bristol, England
Heath and Reach, Central Bedfordshire, England
Upper Stondon, Central Bedfordshire, England
Whitby, North Yorkshire, England

Web Award 2023

Nominated for the European Web Awards 2023.

link   We remember in respect and sympathy

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To the Memorials Foreign War Graves in UK
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The Boer War Battles of the Great War
The Falklands War

Please help to keep this site alive. Your donation is highly welcome.



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