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War Memorial - Brunswick-Wenden, Lower Saxony, Germany
Kriegerdenkmal - Braunschweig-Wenden, Niedersachsen, Deutschland

1914 - 1918  and  1939 - 1945

The memorial was erected in front of the church of St. Johannes Baptista.

War Memorial WW I and WW II War Memorial WW I and WW II

gefallenen Helden
in dankbarer Erinnerung
gewidmet von der Gemeinde
Wenden 1921
Inscription For their
fallen heroes
in grateful remembrance
dedicated of the parish of
Wenden 1921

Niemand hat grössere Liebe,
denn die
dass er sein Leben lasset
für seine Brüder
Joh. 15. 13.
Inscription Greater love hath no man
than this,
that a man lay down his life
for his brothers.
John 15. 13.

Names WW I Wrehde, Fritz
Calberlah, W.
Stegemann, Wilhelm
Wrehde, Heinrich
Mesecke, Gustav
Hermann, Otto
Staats, Otto
Franke, Otto
Schrader, Erich
Brandes, Willi
Franke, Robert
Seebass, Karl
Wolter, Wilhelm
Brandes, Willi
Brandes, Wilhelm
Michelmann, Gustav
Eppers, Erich
Schlüter, Walter
Steinkopf, Heinrich
Kampe, Willi
Zachert, Franz
Weddig, Adolf
Eppers, Otto
Hilker, Rudolf
Bäse, Ernst
Lange, Wilhelm
Wrehde, Heinrich
Gander, Robert
Wrehde, Wilhelm
Merkel, Karl
Hennecke, Heinrich
Buhmann, Hermann
Senff, Gustav
* 30.04.1884
*no info
*no info
*no info
† 23.10.1914
† 17.05.1915
† 20.05.1915
† 15.06.1915
† 05.07.1915
† 07.09.1915
† 20.09.1915
† 30.01.1916
† 04.02.1916
† 07.03.1916
† 18.08.1916
† 27.09.1916
† 11.04.1917
† 17.04.1917
† 20.04.1917
† 24.04.1917
† 08.05.1917
† 11.06.1917
† 10.07.1917
† 21.03.1918
† 04.06.1918
† 27.09.1918
† 17.10.1918
† 24.10.1918
† 22.08.1920
14.08.1914 missed
07.05.1915 missed
17.06.1915 missed
24.07.1916 missed
17.09.1916 missed
23.09.1916 missed
01.08.1917 missed
01.09.1918 missed


Names WW II
Schneider, Erich
Calberlah, Rudolf
Mattick, Gerhard
Schaper, Fritz
Ast, Walter
Jäffke, Hans
Wrehde, Wilhelm
Behrens, Kurt
Weber, Erich
Benstem, Walter
Möhle, Wilhelm
Pöhler, Heinrich
Rühling, Heinz
Tischinger, Otto
Bombach, August
Schaper, Erich
Osterloh, Erwin
Bangemann, Herbert
Krüger, Rudolf
Urstadt, Wilhelm
Pfeiffer, Karl
Onken, Rudolf
Brinsat, Gerhard
Röger, Erich
Wrehde, Walter
Diestelmann, Karl
Brunsat, Heinz
Armgart, Karl
Langemeyer, Fritz
Altag, K.H.
Deneke, Ernst
Bremer, Willi
Becker, Georg
Burckhardt, Walter
† 10.02.1940
† 16.05.1940
† 23.05.1940
† 28.05.1940
† 29.05.1940
† 26.06.1941
† 28.06.1941
† 16.07.1941
† 23.07.1941
† 01.08.1941
† 21.09.1941
† 17.10.1941
† 26.12.1941
† 26.12.1941
† 16.01.1942
† 16.02.1942
† 07.03.1942
† 03.04.1942
† 14.04.1942
† 30.05.1942
† 04.07.1942
† 09.10.1942
† 26.10.1942
† 07.11.1942
† 01.12.1942
† 18.01.1943
† 15.10.1943
† 23.01.1943
† 31.01.1943
† 25.02.1943
1943 missed
1944 missed
1944 missed
1945 missed
Names WW II
Merten, Heinrich
Trautvetter, Walter
Jaffke, Willi
Gander, Robert
Benstem, Ewald
Schaper, Heinz-Günther
Altus, Kurt
Winter, Helmut
Hartung, Hermann
Linke, Paul
Feist, Josef
Staats, Rudolf
Müller, Josef
Reimann, Walter
Panitzek, Josef
Nolte, Hubert
Röhrs, Heinrich
Kaps, Alfred
Bosse, Günther
Reifert, Karl
Belzhause, Gustav
Pasternack, Albert
Peter, Erich
Rischer, Martin
Boney, August
Bosse, Heinrich
Wolters, Richard
Mühle, Heinz
Maul, Heinz
Fick, Adam
Mücke, Ewald
† 15.03.1943
† 10.05.1943
† 05.07.1943
† 15.07.1943
† 17.08.1943
† 03.10.1943
† 24.04.1943
† 09.12.1943
† 23.01.1944
† 20.02.1944
† 05.03.1944
† 14.03.1944
† 30.03.1944
† 08.04.1944
† 16.04.1944
† 26.04.1944
† 12.05.1944
† 06.07.1944
† 14.07.1944
† 04.08.1944
† 06.08.1944
† 07.08.1944
† 26.08.1944
† 29.09.1944
† 03.10.1944
† 06.10.1944
† 19.10.1944
† 20.11.1944
† 22.11.1944
† 27.11.1944
† 18.12.1944

Wir gedenken
der Vermissten des
Zweiten Weltkrieges
Inscription We remember
the missing of
World War II
Marowski, Walter
Lütge, Wilhelm
Meinhard, Ernst
Plagge, Heinz
Reineke, Rudolf
Lipper, Horst
Glimmann, Hermann
Essmann, Albert
Heuschkel, Fritz
Brinsat, Friedrich
Wolter, Otto
Wrehde, Wilhelm
Strube, Adolf
Gross, Wilhelm
Steinkopf, Wilhelm
Siegmund, Karl-Heinz
Peters, Adolf
Kopmann, Otto
Calberlah, Friedrich
Roskosch, Herbert
Peters, Berthold
Staudte, Walter
Franke, Walter
Stolte, Willi
Leunig, Karl
† 15.01.1945
† 19.01.1945
† 30.01.1945
† 09.02.1945
† 03.03.1945
† 30.03.1945
† 01.04.1945
† 10.04.1945
† 18.04.1945
† 18.04.1945
† 19.04.1945
† 24.04.1945
† 17.07.1945
† 23.07.1945
† 23.08.1945
† 31.12.1945
† 31.12.1945
† 31.12.1945
† 21.08.1946
† 02.11.1943
† 25.10.1944
† 30.10.1944
† 03.1945
† 1944 missed
† 1945 missed

Some graves of the mentioned soldiers can be found in the cemetery of Wenden:

Erich and Otto Eppers

Erich Eppers The Eppers grave Otto Eppers
The one-year

Erich Eppers

Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 77
born on 22 September 1897
fallen on 8 May 1917 near Qucant
the corpse transferred and buried at this place
on 13 March 1918
The one-year

Otto Eppers

Motor Vehicle Division No. 10
born on 30 November 1900
died on 17 October 1918 in
the Casulty Clearing Station at Hanover

Remarks Erich Eppers: The vastly formidable Hindenburg line runs from Drocourt, which is four miles and a half south-east of Lens, to Qucant, which is eleven miles and a half south-east of Arras, the distance between the two places being nearly fifteen miles, and the direction south by east. The battle what took place here is called "The Great Battle of Arras".

Erich Schrader

The Schrader grave Erich Schrader Here rest in God
my only and ardent beloved son
our good-hearted brother
the farmer

Erich Schrader

reserve reservist of the Brunswick
  Hussar Regiment No. 17, 6. Esquadron  
born on 20 June 1893
fallen on 4 February 1916
near Chivigny, France
buried in native soil
on 12 November 1916


This page is dedicated to the 10 million victims of World War I and 60 million victims of World War II.
We should always remember the immense grief and loss each war brought to the world.


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