The Barbican, Plymouth, Devon, England The Mayflower sailed from here September 16 (New style), 1620, for Plymouth, New England. Part of her passengers were colonists from London, part were a separatist congregation which had begun in Babworth, Nottinghamshire on July 11, 1586, and had moved to Scrooby in 1606, to Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1608, and to Leyden in 1609. The Leyden group had sailed on the Speedwell from Delft Haven August 1 (N. S.), 1620, for Southampton, Hampshire, England, to join the London group who were on the Mayflower. Both ships left Southampton on August 15 (N. S.), but leaks in the Speedwell forged a turning back to Dartmouth for repairs. Leaving Dartmouth, after proceeding about 300 Miles, the leaky Speedwell caused a second return of both ships, this time to Plymouth. Here the Speedwell was abandoned, and the passengers of both ships combined on the Mayflower - 102. Elder William Brewster was the spiritual leader of the separatist pilgrims, and remained so in Plymouth, New England, until his death in 1643 - 44.
Stephen Hopking of Wooton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire (Later of St. Mary Matfellon, Whitechapel, London), separatist, made his second voyage to the new world in the Mayflower (160 tons) in 1620. He had previously sailed from here in the Sea Venture (300 tons) on July 23, 1609. He reached Virginia in 1616, after having been driven ashore in Bermuda, where his shipwreck furnished the subject for the Tempest (1611) by William Shakespeare.
The General Society of Mayflower Descendants (U. S. A. 1687) Waldo Morgan Allen, Govenor General on their first pilgramage - 152, by planes - to the Netherlands and England September 22 - October 6, 1955 335 years after the sailing of the Mayflower. |

The location were the memorial can be found.
Pilgrims who sailed from here, the Barbican, Plymouth, in 1620 in the Mayflower, 180 tons Christopher Jones, Master |
John Alden, cooper of Harwich, the first to step ashore
John Carver, merchant of Doncaster, the first Governor Kathrine, his wife Desire Minter John Howland and Roger Wilder, his two man-servants A maid servant William Latham, a boy Jasper More, a child that was put to him
William Brewster of Scrooby, Nottinghamshire Mary his wife Love and Wrasling his sons Richard More, a boy that was put to him, and another of his brothers
Edward Winslow, a printer of Droitwich Elizabeth his wife George Sowle and Elias Story, man-servants Ellen, the sister of Richard More, a little girl that was put to him
William Bradford, fustian maker of Yorkshire, Governor after Carver for thirty years Dorothy his wife
Isaak Allerton, tailor of London Mary his wife Remember and Mary his daughters John Hooke his servant boy
Samuel Fuller, sail-maker, ship's physition and chirugron William Butten of Austerfield, his servant, who died on the voyage
John Crakston of Colchester John his son
Captain Myles Standish, a soldier of Chorley in Lancashire Rose his wife
Christopher Martin of Great Burstead in Essex His wife
William Mullines, a shopkeeper of Dorking in Surrey His wife Joseph his son Priscilla his daughter Robert Carter his servant
William White, wool carder Susana his wife Resolved and Peregriene (born on board after revival), sons William Holbeck and Edward Thomson, his servants
Steven Hopkins of Wootton-under-Edge in Gloucestershire Elizabeth his wife Giles and Oceanus (born on this voyage) his sons Constanta and Damaris his daughters Edward Doty and Edward Litster his servants
Richard Warren, a merchant of London
John Billington of London Elen his wife John and Francis, his sons
Edward Tillie, cloth maker of London Ann, his wife Henry Samson and Humillity Coper, children, their cousins
John Tillie, silk worker of London Bridget his wife Elizabeth, their daughter
Francis Cooke, wool comber of Blyth John his son
Thomas Rogers, camlet merchant Joseph his son
Thomas Tinker, wood sawyer His wife His son
John Rigdale of London Alice his wife
James Chilton, a tailor of Canterbury His wife Mary his daughter
Edward Fuller of Redenhall in Norfolk His wife Samuell his son
John Turner, a merchant His two sons
Francis Eaton, a carpenter of Bristol Sarag his wife Samuell his son
Moyses Fletcher, a smith of Sandwich John Goodman, a linen weaver Thomas Williams of Yarmouth in Norfolk Digerie Preist, a hatter of London Peter Browne of Great Burstead in Essex Edmund Margesson Richard Britterige Richard Clarke Richard Gardenar of Harwich Gilbart Winslow John Allerton and Thomas Enlish, mariners William Trevore and one Ely, seamen
The Plymouth Barbican Association Ltd 1999 |