He that overcometh shall inherit all things: And I will be his god and he shall be my son. |
Edmund R. Baird James E. Baird Geoffrey C. Beaton Joseph T. Beaton William A. Beckitt Richard P. Blower John A. Booth Alan G. Brewis Alfred W. Brown Richard Carlton Philip A. Cartwright George H. L. Corfield Bernard Davenport Edward E. P. Davies Eric B. Davies John R. Davies Thomas P. W. Davies Wilfred H. Davies John R. Dickinson Gwen R. Edwards John P. Edwards William H. Edwards Douglas E. Evans Thomas A, Faulks Peter C. Ferguson John R. Foster Douglas W. Garside James B. D. George William G. Goodwin Alan E. Grant Eric A. S. Grant Ernest W. Gregg Jack Grindley Kenneth Hampson Arthur R. Harvey Frederick N. Hayes William R. Hayward Sidney G. Hill Claude Hotchkiss John A. Humby William R. James Abraham Jones Arthur E. Jones Charles G. Jones Percy A. Roberts |
In grateful memory of the men and women of Oswestry who laid down their lives in the war of 1939-1945. |
John R. Jones John R. S. Jones Norman P. Jones Robert H. Jones Harry Kean Joseph R. Laker Bernard Ledwith William M. A. Lewis Jack R. Mansfield Alfred T. Markey Michael J. Maslen James Mills-Roberts Ieuan G. Morgan John L. Morris Edward G. Newton Artro G. Owen George W. Owen Albert L. Packham John H. Pennel Thomas Phillips Ernest Plimmer Thomas J. Pritchard Dennis C. Probert John Roberts George Roberts Richard Roberts Charles O. Roger Jack Rogers Arthur D. C. Scott George E. Shone Edward J. Simmons Leslie V. Skelton Richard C. Thomas William D. Thomas George H. Wellings Donald E. Whitfield John E. H. Wilkinson Emerys Williams Frederick Williams Norman D. P. Williams Thomas C. Williams Albert J. C. Wilson William Woosnam John H. Wood