To the glory of God and in memory of the men from this town who fell in the Great War 1914 - 1919. "Their name liveth for evermore." |
Harry Andrews Arthur William Baguley Frank Barnes Thomas Barnes John Berrill Arthur Campion Philip Campion William Chater Hugh Church Sidney Church Philip Chapman |
Albert Clare Harry Coles Herbert Coles Bert Coles Arthur James Cooper Sidney Charles Davis Edward Edmunds Leslie Morier Evans Thomas Fairey Alfred John Field |
Frederick Freeman Harry William Freeman Horace Freeman Albert Henry Gathergood Randolph Goldsmith Cyril Grey Edwin Harris Stanley Haseldine Ernest Hinde Charles Stanley Hipwell Alfred Charles Johnson |
Harry Reginald Hipwell William Hopper Walter Huckle Charles Johnson Arthur Jones Peter Joyce William Kitchener Ernest Limbrey Joseph Longland Frank Lyman Arthur G. Percy Joyce |
Alfred Millward John Millward Melbourne Muskett Frederick Newbury Ernest Parrott Walter Partridge Vincent Pater Charles Perkins Horace Perkins Percy Rice George Richardson |
Alfred Robinson Alfred Underwood Benjamin Wallinger John Walton Bert Ward William Whiting Charles Wilford George Willey John Wilson Albert William Wrighting Edgar Mobbs |