1914 - 1919
They died for us James Alexander William P. Calder Alexander Chalmers David Chalmers George B. Cheyne Alexander Chillas James A. Davie Charles A. Davidson John M. Donald James Donaldson | |
George Greig William Laing Alexander Lawie John Mackie George Mackie William A. Milne Donald McAskill John McAskill | |
Frank MacKenzie John MacKenzie Alexander McPhee Charles Morton Alexander A. Murray George Paterson Thomson Pickford James Pratt George L. Reith | |
Through sacrifice to peace Francis Robbie John Robbie William D. Robbie Samuel Ross George Simpson David B. Smith Alexander K. Thomson John Walker Gordon Williams Robert Wilson | |
Their name liveth evermore William B. Booth James Bruce James Donald Arthur Emslie Andrew Gray | |
Their lives they gave Robert H. Irvine James Kemp David Reith Henry Taylor | |
 | | This page is dedicated to the 10 million victims of World War I and 60 million victims of World War II. We should always remember the immense grief and loss each war brought to the world. | |  |

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