09 August 1940, Heinkel 111H-4, coded 5J+SH Walter Hajesch, Wilhelm Mechsner, Gernot von Türckheim, Arthur Zeis |
The aircraft flew into the mountain a short way off the summit towards Eastman's Cairn and was burnt out while on a sortie from its base at Soesterberg in Holland. It is thought that the crew were tasked with dropping mines into the sea off Northern Ireland, as the aircraft had been carrying parachute mines. One of these had detonated when the aircraft crashed, or shortly afterwards, scattering pieces of wreckage across the mountainside. According to the RAF report only the tail and outer wings were unaffected. A second mine was discovered at the crash site, this had not gone off when the other exploded and was presumably de-activated before being removed from the hill.
See also "Peak District Air Accident Research" For Kampfgeschwader 4 see "Wikipedia" |
Freiherr Gernot von Türkheim |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier 23 November 1909, Esslingen 09 August 1940 30 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 4
Walter Hajesch |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier 19 May 1919, Hermsdorf 09 August 1940 20 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 4
Wilhelm Mechsner |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier 25 September 1917, Breslau (Wroclaw) 09 August 1940 23 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 4
Arthur Zeiss |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Leutnant 27 November 1915, Wunsiedel 09 August 1940 24 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 4
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13 August 1940, Messerschmitt Bf-110C, coded 3U+?L Wilhelm "Willi" Ebben and Karl Fuchs |
The crew of the 3 Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 26 died when their aircraft, a Messerschmitt Bf-110C, coded 3U-?L, was shot down by a Spitfire of 56 Squadron Royal Air Force, flown by Flying Officer Percy Weaver. They crashed at Warden Bay, Sheppey, Kent.
For Zerstörergeschwader 26 see "Wikipedia" |
Wilhelm Ebben |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier [Wireless Operator] 11 January 1915, Oberhausen 13 August 1940 25 3rd Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 26
Karl Fuchs |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Oberleutnant (Pilot) 23 May 1914 13 (16?) August 1940 26 3rd Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 26
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15 August 1940, Heinkel 115C, coded S4+BH Rudolf Johannes Holfert and Paul Schroers |
A crew of the 1st Staffel Küstenfliegergruppe 506. They died when there aircraft, a Heinkel 115C, coded S4+BH, flew into a hillside at Faldiehill Farm, Panmure Estate, West Arbroath, Angus, Scotland. |
Rudolf Johannes Holfert |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Oberfeldwebel [Pilot] 30 May 1912, Oberpesterwitz 15 August 1940 28 1st Staffel Küstenfliegergruppe 506 Son of Paul and Hedwig Holfert, nee Schneider. Husband of Luise Olga Schmidt. |
Paul Schroers |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Feldwebel 27 March 1915, Cologne 15 August 1940 26 3rd Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 4
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16 August 1940, Dornier 17Z-2, coded U5+LL Johann Golob and Gerhard Reinicke |
The two soldiers belong to a crew of the 3rd Staffel Kampfgeschwader 2. They died on a mission against Hornchurch aerodrome when their aircraft was shot down by Hurricanes of 56 Squadron Royal Air Force, piloted by Pilot Officer Bryan John Wicks or Pilot Officer Frank Higginson. The aircraft crashed at Summerfield, near Staple, Kent.
For Kampfgeschwader 2 see "Wikipedia" |
Johann Golob |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Gefreiter [Air Gunner] 19 December 1914, Buer, Gelsenkirchen 16 August 1940 25 3rd Staffel Kampfgeschwader 2
Gerhard Reinicke |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Gefreiter (Wireless Operator) 12 October 1919, Leinbach, Leipzig 16 August 1940 20 3rd Staffel Kampfgeschwader 2
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16 August 1940, Messerschmitt Bf-110C, coded A2+GL Ernst Hollekamp and Richard Schurk |
Ernst Hollekamp, an Oberleutnant and pilot of the 6th Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 2, died when his aircraft was shot down by a Hurricane piloted by Flying Offcier Harold Nigel Egerton Salmon of 1 Squadron Royal Air Force. Although Oberleutnant Hollekamp managed to bail out but he was too low for his parachute to open and was killed when he landed on the roof of Hillbow School, Gaudick Road, Denton, Eastbourne, Sussex. He was posthumously promoted to Hauptmann. The wireless operator/air gunner Richard Schurk also bailed out but landed in the sea and drowned. His body being washed ashore at Eastbourne on 4 September 1940.
For Zerstörergeschwader 2 see "Wikipedia" |
Ernst Hollekamp |
Richard Schurk |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Hauptmann [Pilot] 03 Juni 1909, Brilon, Hesse 16 August 1940 31 6th Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 2
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Feldwebel 01 May 1915 16 August 1940 20 6th Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 2
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18 August 1940, Messerschmitt Bf-110C, coded 3U+AM Heinz Jäckel |
Heinz Jäckel was an Unteroffizier and pilot of the 4th Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 26. He died when his aircraft was shot down and crashed at Leysdown, Kent.
For Zerstörergeschwader 26 see "Wikipedia" |
Heinz Jäckel |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier [Pilot] 29 December 1920, Hermsdorf 16 August 1940 19 4th Staffel Zerstörergeschwader 26
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26 August 1940, Dornier 17Z-3, coded U5+GK Siegfried Hertel |
Siegfried Hertel was an Oberleutnant and observer of the 2nd Staffel Kampfgeschwader 2. He died on a mission against Hornchurch aerodrome when his aircraft was attacked by Spitfires. The pilot subsequently making a successful forced landing south-east of Eastchurch, Kent.
For Kampfgeschwader 2 see "Wikipedia" |
Siegfried Hertel |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Oberleutnant [Observer] 28 September 1915, Ichtershausen, Thuringia 26 August 1940 24 2nd Staffel Kampfgeschwader 2
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27 (24) August 1940, Messerschmitt Bf-109E-1 Herbert Möller |
Unteroffizier Herbert Möller was a pilot of the 2nd Staffel Lehrgeschwader 2. He died on a mission against Hornchurch aerodrome on 24 August 1940 when his aircraft hit the ground at Mackledons Farm, Bobbing, Kent, whilst he was trying to evade an attack by a Hurricane, piloted by Pilot Officer Kenneth John Marston of 56 Squadron Royal Air Force.
For Lehrgeschwader 2 see "Wikipedia" |
Herbert Möller |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier [Pilot] 05 May 1916, Krusenhagen 24 August 1940 24 2nd Staffel Lehrgeschwader 2
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31 August 1940, Messerschmitt Bf-109E-1 Ludwig Hafer |
Oberleutnant Ludwig Hafer was a pilot of the I. Group Jagdgeschwader 26. He died when his aircraft was shot down by anti-aircraft fire.
For Jagdgeschwader 26 see "Wikipedia" |
Ludwig Hafer |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Oberleutnant [Pilot] 24 December 1914, Hanover, Lower Saxony 31 August 1940 25 I. Group Jagdgeschwader 26
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02 September 1940, Messerschmitt Bf-109E-4 Günter Ruttkowski |
Leutnant Günter Ruttkowski was a pilot of the 1st Staffel Jagdgeschwader 51. He died when his aircarft was shot down by a Spitfire of 54 Squadron Royal Air Force and crashed at Nethersole Farm, Womenswold, Kent.
For Jagdgeschwader 51 see "Wikipedia" |
Günter Ruttkowski |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Leutnant [Pilot] 20 July 1917, Danzig (Gdansk) 02 September 1940 23 1st Staffel Jagdgeschwader 51
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09 (07) September 1940, Messerschmitt Bf-110D-0, coded A2+NH Hans Mescheder and Kurt Schünemann |
The crew belonged to the II. Group of Zerstörergeschwader 2. They died when their aircraft was attacked by fighters and crashed at Park Corner Farm, Hacton Lane, Upminster on 7 September 1940.
For Zerstörergeschwader 2 see "Wikipedia" |
Hans Mescheder |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier [Wirless Operator] 28 March 1920, Gumbinnen, Kaliningrad 07 September 1940 20 II. Group of Zerstörergeschwader 2
Kurt Schünemann |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Leutnant (Pilot) 10 July 1918, Berlin 07 September 1940 22 II. Group of Zerstörergeschwader 2
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15 September 1940, Friedrich Grotzki and August Vogel |
No further information. |
Friedrich Grotzki |
August Vogel |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Feldwebel 28 March 1914, Berlin 15 September 1940 26 3rd Staffel Kampfgeschwader 53
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Feldwebel 02 April 1914, Essen 15 September 1940 26 4th Staffel Kampfgeschwader 3
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18 September 1940, Hans Buschbeck, Paul Lesker and Otto Wahl |
No further information. |
Hans Buschbeck |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Gefreiter 17 April 1917, Schwarzkollm 18 September 1940 23 9th Staffel Kampfgeschwader 77
Paul Lesker |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Gefreiter 30 August 1916, Hamburg 18 September 1940 23 9th Staffel Kampfgeschwader 77
Otto Wahl |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Feldwebel 26 February 1912, Berleburg 18 September 1940 28 9th Staffel Kampfgeschwader 77
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16 October 1940, Konrad Gläser |
No further Information. |
Konrad Gläser |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier 06 June 1916, Werdau 16 October 1940 24 2nd Staffel Kampfgeschwader 126
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28 October 1940, Harald Hausdorf and Rudi Nitsch |
No further information.
For Kampfgeschwader 3 see "Wikipedia" |
Harald Hausdorf |
Rudi Nitsch |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Unteroffizier 22 May 1915, Chemnitz 28 October 1940 25 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 3
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Feldwebel 11 February 1916 28 October 1940 20 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 3
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19 November 1940, Albert von Schwerin, Hunno Philipps, Albert Leuchtenberg, Fritz Gundlack and Heinz Gohler |
On 19 November 1940, bad weather reduced Luftwaffe activity around Great Britain but the very low cloud dissipated in the evening and many German bombers were over England between 1745 and 2330 hrs. That night the Luftwaffe launched the first major air raid against Birmingham, England’s most populous British city outside London. 439 bombers were sent to attack Birmingham (142 by Luftflotte 2 and 297 by Luftflotte 3) and of these 356 reported bombing the target (crews of Luftflotte 3 reported bombing hours from 1921 hrs to 0030 hrs on the 20th), 47 attacked alternative targets, 31 aborted and 5 did not return. A secondary attack was launched by 30 bombers on London: 2 aborted, but some of the bombers dispatched to Birmingham used London as alternative target, bringing to 37 the number of crews who attacked the city.
For Kampfgeschwader 26 see "Wikipedia" |
Albert von Schwerin |
Hunno Philipps |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Oberleutnant (Observer) 11 September 1904, Janow 19 November 1940 36 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 26
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Oberleutnant 04 Juni 1916 19 November 1940 24 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 26
Dr. Albert Leuchtenberg |
Fritz Gundlack |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Stabsarzt 04 November 1907, Hagen 19 November 1940 33 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 26
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Oberfeldwebel 28 November 1912, Wargen, Fischhausen 19 November 1940 27 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 26
Heinz Gohler |
Rank: Date of Birth: Date of Death: Age: Regiment: Add. Information: |
Oberfeldwebel 15 September 1919, Berlin-Neukölln 19 November 1940 21 1st Staffel Kampfgeschwader 26
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