 | The erection of the Romanesque building goes back to a foundation of Henry the Lion (died 1195), the Duke of Brunswick, and was begun between 1200 and 1205. The Brunswick cathedral (Dom) and the Martini church were taken as example for the new church. The church was built up as pillar basilica. The change to a Gothic hall church were carried out in the second half of the 13. Century. The side ships were extended by the double and the height reached the height of the central ship and the ceiling became in-curved. The eastern part and the south tower were finished 1379 and the north tower stayed unfinished caused by the abolition of the indulgence due to the reformation. Patron saint is the Holy Catherine of Alexandria. Her attributes are sword, wheel and crown. The wheel appears in the coat of arms of the quarter of Hagen in which the church is located.
The church contains a lot of epitaphs. Here are three of them. The text on the name plates are written in an old German what is very difficult to translate into English. I have chosen to write only the important information.
This epitaph was erected to the memory of Jürgen von der Schulenburg who died on 20 April 1619, aged 84 years and his wife Lucia von Veltheim who died 5 January 1620, aged 77 years. |
Armgard von Bortfeld died on 23 May 1586
Remark: A legend tells that she died while her wedding ceremony.
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Outside of St Cathrines are some grave panels to find:
This grave panel belongs to the grave of Christoph Jacobi Blum who died Anno MDCCXVII (1717). The inscription is written in Latin. |
The grave panel of Friedrich Moritz Wrisbergen who died 3. April Anno MDCCXIX (1719). His age was 70 years and 5 months. The panel tells a lot of his life but unfortunately very difficult to read. |
A grave decoration. |
More detailed pictures can be seen on "St. Catherine church - 150 photos"