The Dom (Cathedral) cemetery and St Magnus cemetery are places for funerals of members of the "Grauer Hof", the religious foundation of St Blasius and the St Magnus parish. In the course of the spirit of enlightenment began the gardener at court Zimmermann the reshape of the Dom cemetery in 1810. After the opening of the central cemetery was the St Magnus cemetery closed in 1887. Funerals in the Dom cemetery are still possible. Both cemeteries were combined to one cemetery in 1980. Owner of the cemeteries are the religious foundation of St Blasius and the St Magnus parish. (The "Grauer Hof" (Grey Yard) was the residence of the Brunswick dukes until it was burned down by the Brunswick inhabitants in 1830) |
Some national and international well-known personalities are buried in these two cemeteries:
Julius Georg Paul Du Roi, 1754 - 1725, Geheimer Justizrath (high government official)
Carl Theodor Ottmer, 1800 - 1843, master builder of Sing-Academy of Berlin, Brunswick palace, Brunswick old railroad station.
Hans von Pawel, 1856 - 1925, member of a patrician family of the old town.
Egidius Crato Keck, 1710 - 1777, ducal physician
Wilhelm Mewes, 1848 - 1908, actor at court
Ludwig-Friedrich Knapp, 1814 .- 1904, pioneering chemistry technologist
Karl August von Schwartz, 1873 - 1943, last preacher at court and Dom
Karoline von Wenbergen, 1730 - 1766, wife of Johann Heinrich Oden, sculptor
Gustav Burmester, 1830 - 1919, gardener at court
August Klingemann, 1777 - 1831, author, manager of the court theater (first night of Goethe's "Faust")
Julius Wilhelm Pott, 1777 - 1813, physician
Friedrich Gerstäcker, 1816 - 1872, novelist ("Mississippi River Pirates", "The Arkansas Regulators")
Friedrich Ritter von Voigtländer, 1812 - 1878, manufacturer of optical devices
Albert Limbach, 1838 - 1898, printing plant (f.e. "Brunswick Newspaper")
Johannes Jacob Selenka, bookbinder at court, lobbyist of the small trade
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, 1729 - 1781, philosopher of the enlightenment, Poet ("Emilia Galotti", "Nathan the Wise")
Joh. Joachim Eschenburg, 1743 - 1820, literature historian, close friend of Lessing
Georg Howaldt, 1802 - 1864, founder, sculptor (Lessing memorial, statues of several Brunswick Dukes)
Carl Schiller, 1807 - 1874, private scholar, 1. manager of the city museum
Peter Joseph Krahe, 1758 - 1840, master builder (wall ring, Salve Hospes villa, gate houses)
Joachim Heinrich Campe, 1746 - 1818, teacher, linguist, novelist (books for young people)
Friedrich Vieweg, 1761 - 1735, editor of natural scientific literature
Georg Westermann, 1810 - 1879, publishing house, maps and atlas
The chapel is in use of the greek-orthodox parish today.
The grave of Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker, 1816 - 1872 within the Huch family grave
The Huch family grave | Friedrich Gerstäcker born 10 May 1816 in Hamburg died 31 May 1872 in Brunswick | Marie Huch, nee Gerstäcker (1853 - 1934) married as 16 year old girl the 50 year old widow William Huch in 1867. They had 6 children. Her sons Friedrich and Felix Huch became well-known authors. Her step-son Richard Huch was the second husband of Ricarda Huch. Marie's mother was Anna Aurora Sauer (1822 - 1861), the first wife of Friedrich Gerstäcker. |
Elisabeth Huch, nee Huch born on 03 September 1883 died 15 May 1956 A daughter of Marie Gerstäcker | Eva Müller-Hofmann, nee Huch born 14 March 1882 died 10 September 1929 A daughter of Marie Gerstäcker | Marie Huch born 06 September 1871 died 30 October 1883 |
The connection with the well-known Huch family (see Ricarda Huch) was established by the marriage of Marie Gerstäcker with William Huch.
Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker was a nineteenth-century author who wrote about social conditions in backwoods Arkansas before the Civil War. He visited the state from 1838 to 1842 for periods of up to eighteen months at a time. His writings - in the form of essays, short stories, and novels - provide insights into folkways, social conditions, popular religion, gender roles, and a host of other topics relating to backwoods life in Arkansas. His bestsellers were "The Arkansas Regulators" (1846) and "The Mississippi River Pirates" (1847).
Read also here. |
Carl Schiller, 1807 - 1874
Carl Schiller born 23 May 1807 died 28 June 1874 |
Dr. Carl Schiller was a private scholar and the first manager of the city museum. |
Peter Joseph Krahe, 1758 - 1840
The grave of Peter Joseph Krahe | The inscription on his grave stone | His daughter Katinka Krahe born 29 May 1800 in Koblenz died 13 February 1881 in Brunswick | His daughter Mathilde Krahe born 20 March 1803 in Brunswick died 03 November 1881 in Brunswick |
Peter Joseph Krahe former ducal Brunswick Kammer- and Oberbaurat, honorary professor of the academies of beautiful arts at Düsseldorf, Florence and Bologna. Born in Mannheim on 08 April 1758 and died in Brunswick on 07 October 1840. Dignified and heartiest bemoaned from his family and his friends This stone is consecrated to his memory from his mourning family.
Peter Joseph Krahe was an architect of the early classicism style. A lot of buildings and parks in Brunswick were planned and erected by him. |
 | H. Howaldt
Caster of bronze 1841 - 1891 |
 | Carl Glaesener
Music Director in English - East-India Service born 05 December 1825 died 01 May 1850 |